Alyssa, Hunter, Anthony, & Jayson

Alyssa, Hunter, Anthony, & Jayson

Friday, December 27, 2013

I am close to losing my mind...

I fully had the intention of writing a post about our Christmas. Unfortunately, that will have to wait as I am having a bit of a moment. We are on day number I have lost count since we have been in this empty house. Dave has almost finished painting the walls back to "Equity White," which I now have across the backside of the only pair of jeans that fit me well at the moment because we have been eating like crap and my belly is bloated like Santa's. My dog/puppy is a misbehaving asshole who just ate Hunter's dinner, and I'm either going to turn into an obese person from emotional eating or an alcoholic by the time I get home some time next week. I now must go sort through the stuff we have so we can decide what will make the trip and what will have to go away...and get the laundry together so I can go to the laundromat again tomorrow. 

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