Alyssa, Hunter, Anthony, & Jayson

Alyssa, Hunter, Anthony, & Jayson

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Break, Going Back to My Roots, and Other Things

Note: I began this post a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the delay...

Last week was Spring Break for my kids. Jay went to spring camp for JROTC, and Dave couldn't take off work, so Alyssa, Anthony, Hunter, and I packed up the car and went to visit my parents in Idaho for the week. It was such a nice break from every day life. I can't lie. My brain needed it so badly...even if I was up until 2am studying every night. I awoke every morning refreshed, and feeling great. There are never any worries or stress when I'm at my parents' house. It's like my little slice of childhood in my crazy adult world.

There are tons of neat, kitschy shops in the area surrounding where I'm parents live, and when I visit, my mom and I will go shopping. This time around, I scored a Pottery Barn table runner for $18! I love it when I can find awesome deals on quality design items. The kids also had a nice break, as the weather was perfect, and they took advantage of being outdoors for the first time in months, since it rains so much here in Washington. Hunter had his first Girl Scout cookie ever (seriously, ever). It came from Grandma, so I cannot complain. I do take a small amount of pride in the fact that the kids haven't had certain things though. Alas, I really wish that we had longer than a week to visit. I look forward to going back again this summer.

We are still awaiting our fate...whether we are going to stay here in Washington, or move elsewhere this year. While I'd certainly love a change in scenery, a big part of me would be glad to stay here, near my parents. Hopefully, the powers that be will release their decision soon.